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0734259445 Call or What'sApp Safe abortion is when a pregnancy is ended so that it doesn't result into the birth of a child. Women's Abortion Clinic provides safe abortion/ Termination of Pregnancy to women who are faced with either an unplanned pregnancy or a pregnancy they choose not to continue with. Types of Safe Termination / Abortion Medical Abortion: Medical Abortion is when an abortion pill is swallowed to end the pregnancy. Surgical Abortion Surgical abortion is when a minor operation will be performed in order to take the fetus out. Safe Abortion Procedure After counseling is done, a pregnancy test will be performed to confirm how many weeks you are. The nurse will then request you to swallow one abortion pill. This pill is meant to block the female hormone called Progesterone and without it, a pregnancy can not continue. After a few hours another pill will be inserted deep inside your vagina. This pill will contract the womb and cause some cramping and bleeding similar to a miscarriage. After the abortion we shall provide womb cleaning pills to prevent any infections.
21. 3. - 20. 4.
Berani, v týdnu 11 roku 2025 se můžete těšit na dynamické období plné energie a nových příležitostí. Vaše vládnoucí planeta Mars vám dodá odvahu a odhodlání pustit se do nových projektů, ať už v osobní nebo pracovní sf&ea... Více
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